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Add custom ROS2 message type

ROS2 For Unity

PAIRSIM uses Ros2ForUnity module for ROS2 communication. ROS2 For Unity is a high-performance communication solution to connect Unity3D and ROS2 ecosystem in a ROS2 "native" way.

This document briefly guides you on how to add your custom messages to the simulation. For a detailed description, please see ROS2 For Unity Readme.


ROS2 For Unity depends on a ros2cs - a C# .NET library for ROS2. You don't have to install it manually, but there are a few prerequisites that must be resolved first.

Please refer to the following prerequisites section for your OS:

Additionall required tools:

  • Git
  • Shell:



Build custom messages


To include a custom ROS2 message, you have to build ROS2 For Unity with your custom message package. The following steps will assume that:

  • the temporary ROS2 For Unity build folder is located in the home directory



  • your message package is called custom_msgs and is located under the path:



    • ROS2 version is humble (foxy and galactic are also supported, please check the current PAIRSIM version for more information about its ROS2 version) and is located in



Workspace preparation

  1. Clone ROS2 For Unity repository.

    git clone
  2. Pull dependent repositories

    cd ~/ros2-for-unity
    . /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
    cd C:\ros2-for-unity

Setup custom_msgs package

Package hosted on git repository

  1. Open ros2-for-unity/ros2_for_unity_custom_messages.repos file in your favorite editor,
  2. Modify the file contents, so it points to custom_msgs repository by changing <REPOSITORY_URL> to repository address, <BRANCH_NAME> to desired branch and <PACKAGE_NAME> to your local package name representation - in this case custom_msgs. The configured file should look as follows:

    # NOTE: Use this file if you want to build with custom messages that reside in a separate remote repo.
    # NOTE: use the following format
            type: git
            url: <REPOSITORY_URL>
            version: <BRANCH_NAME>
    3. Now please, pull repositories to download and setup the package:


Package contained on local machine

  1. Simply custom_msgs package to src/ros2cs/custom_messages directory

    cp -r ~/custom_msgs ~/ros2-for-unity/src/ros2cs/custom_messages/
    cp -r ~/custom_msgs ~/ros2-for-unity/src/ros2cs/custom_messages/

Build ROS2 For Unity

Build ROS2 For Unity using the foolowing command:

./ --standalone
.\build.ps1 -standalone

Install custom_msgs to PAIRSIM

New ROS2 For Unity build, which you just made, contains multiple libraries that already exist in the PAIRSIM. To install custom_msgs and not copy all other unnecessary files, you should get the custom_msgs related libraries only and copy them to the analogous directories in PAIRSIM/Assets/Ros2ForUnity.

You can find them in following directories:

  • ros2-for-unity/install/asset/Ros2ForUnity/Plugins which names matches custom_msgs_*
`ros2-for-unity/install/asset/Ros2ForUnity/Plugins/Linux/x86_64/` which names matches `libcustom_msgs_*`
`ros2-for-unity/install/asset/Ros2ForUnity/Plugins/Windows/x86_64/` which names matches `custom_msgs_*`

To automate the process, you can use these commands (change <PAIRSIM_DIR> to your E2Simulator path and <CUSTOM_MSGS_PACKAGE_NAME> to a custom messages package):

find ~/ros2-for-unity/install/asset/Ros2ForUnity/Plugins -maxdepth 1 -name "<CUSTOM_MSGS_PACKAGE_NAME>*"    -type f -exec cp {} <PAIRSIM_DIR>/Assets/Ros2ForUnity/Plugins \;
find ~/ros2-for-unity/install/asset/Ros2ForUnity/Plugins/Linux/x86_64 -maxdepth 1 -name     "lib<CUSTOM_MSGS_PACKAGE_NAME>*" -type f -exec cp {} <PAIRSIM_DIR>/Assets/Ros2ForUnity/Plugins/Linux/x86_64 \;
Get-ChildItem C:\ros2-for-unity\install\asset\Ros2ForUnity\Plugins\* -Include @('<CUSTOM_MSGS_PACKAGE_NAME>*') | Copy-Item -Destination <PAIRSIM_DIR>\Assets\Ros2ForUnity\Plugins
Get-ChildItem C:\ros2-for-unity\install\asset\Ros2ForUnity\Plugins\Windows\x86_64\* -Include @('<CUSTOM_MSGS_PACKAGE_NAME>*') | Copy-Item -Destination <PAIRSIM_DIR>\Assets\Ros2ForUnity\Plugins\Windows\x86_64